Search Results
e.micronora - FEMTIKA - FEMTIKA Femtosecond laser hybrid microfabrication
REPLAY - e.micronora - 24/09/20 - 15h00 à 15h30 - FEMTIKA
Femtosecond laser surface micro-structuring - hydrophobic
FEMTIKA - Advanced 3D microfabrication workstation for high-tech applications PHOTONICS+ 2021
FEMTIKA - Advanced 3D microfabrication workstation for high-tech applications PHOTONICS+2021
EPIC meets Femtika at LASYS 2018
femtosecond laser machining 500um by 500um square in paper
Mesoscale laser 3D printing
Multiphoton fabrication of Rotating WoodPile (WRP) microstructure
Femtosecond Laser Source for 2 Photon Polymerization -
The performance of 2GL ® – Two-Photon Grayscale Lithographyenables truly seamless structures